Three healthcare cloud myths, debunked

Three healthcare cloud myths, debunked
With ever-increasing, rigid regulations, and the most sensitive personal data of any industry, healthcare has walked slowly toward technology and transformation. And this is particularly true when it comes to the cloud. COVID-19 may have been the catalyst in forcing healthcare’s hand, with the industry required to quickly implement employee work from home, patient/member self-service and online engagement, and telemedicine solutions.
According to recent research, nearly 70% of healthcare leaders expect to move their technology infrastructures to the cloud this year – a number that is set to rise to 96% by 2024. Today you won’t find many healthcare organizations without a cloud strategy—and that often means partnering with BPOs. These experts have the right technology, tools, training, and processes to launch a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), otherwise known as a cloud-based customer experience solution. Deploy-on-demand CCaaS platforms provide full suite or a la carte capabilities and options, making it quick and easy for healthcare organizations of all sizes to personalize and optimize customer experiences.
Here we dispel some common myths about healthcare cloud—and CCaaS, in particular.
- MYTH: Healthcare CCaaS is expensive.
- FACT: CCaaS has proven to optimize operations for any size healthcare organization—whether large or small. Expensive legacy on-premise solutions often come with complex pricing and large upfront costs. Increasingly, CCaaS is subscription based or pay-as-you-go. Also, CCaaS allows for healthcare’s seasonality and sizing up for peaks and open enrollment. Additionally, CCaaS is proven to be resilient, with avoidance of painful, frequent outages that cause lapses in service, lost revenue, wasted agent labor, and excessive troubleshooting. With multiple redundancies built in, there is a failover system in place. Finally, the savings of CCaaS are significant. In fact, the industry has observed 30% client savings with leveraging of CCaaS.
- MYTH: The cloud compromises healthcare organizations’ data and information.
- FACT: With more security capabilities built into the software stack available to deploy by experts, security is increasingly cited as a benefit of CCaaS. CCaaS reduces dependency on local hardware for storage of sensitive data, with automated software updates to keep systems and security certificates current.
- MYTH: CCaaS is difficult for organizations to adopt.
- FACT: Compared to implementing a customized, on-prem call center solution, the CCaaS is turnkey and easy to deploy. And integrating with a healthcare organization’s systems and data is no more difficult than on-prem. With CCaaS, organizations have reduced dependency on one-off custom implementations over-reliant on key individuals. With deployment of CCaaS by BPO experts, you have a resilient, focused workforce.
The healthcare BPOs that can best optimize CCaaS opportunities help drive outcomes like:
- Dynamic, personalized, and natural automated experiences for member and provider interactions thereby being a NPS/CSAT driver.
- Up to 30% cost savings on total cost of ownership across CAPEX and OPEX.
- One AI- and ML-powered platform for workflows, agent management and interactions, routing, and experiences across omnichannel and self-serve for the organization.
- Reduced call volume by up to 10%.
- Reduced supervisor effort by up to 20%.
- Shortened AHT by up to 15%.
- Reduced training time by at least one week.
- Reduced license and usage costs by 30%.