Policy for Human Rights


Sagility Operations Inc, its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates (“Sagility” or the “Company”), as an organization believes that human rights are the fundamental need of every employee. Our human rights policy upholds the Company’s values and beliefs to adhere to the highest standards of business practices. It defines key focus areas of our commitment to ensure a supportive, equal, and constructive environment for all our employees.

We respect, consider, integrate, and promote internationally recognized human rights in accordance with principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, in addition to complying with all local laws and regulations. Sagility also expects its suppliers, business partners, and clients to uphold these principles and adopt similar policies within their own businesses.

To highlight the Company’s outlook focused at ensuring every employee/stakeholder can work with dignity, fairness, and integrity as a part of Sagility and to define our commitment to employee wellness and security.



The Human Rights policy is applicable to all employees across all job levels (including Directors, Management personnel and temporary/ contract employees) of Sagility.



We understand that freedom to express and dignity of labor are fundamental to all humans. Hence, as a Company we are conscious in our practices to safeguard and promote human rights, to ensure that there is no exploitation – be it physical, mental or emotional, to provide equal opportunity and to promote an overall conducive environment for the development of all our employees and stakeholders. We believe that as an organization, for us to sustain and thrive, it is important for us to build resilient relationships across all stakeholder groups – be it employees, suppliers, or clients – which is possible if we respect human rights.



We have enlisted the key focus areas under human rights that we aim to uphold:

  1. Zero tolerance towards harassment or untoward behaviour:
  • We believe mutual respect and trust are the building blocks to ensure a conducive work environment. Irrespective of seniority or position – we expect all employees to treat each other with professional courtesy and respect
  • We do not encourage any act resulting in verbal, psychological or physical harassment or abuse (be it among employees or in any interaction with a vendor or service provider)
  • Any email/document or even a social media post displaying any signs of intimidation, hostility or inappropriate behaviour will not be entertained
  • We do not support threatening, bullying or vulgarity in any form


  1. Equal opportunity and non-discrimination:
    • We believe that varying perspectives bring creativity and ingenious ideas thus providing a fresh outlook in any field of work. We have a mix of cultures and communities in our workforce across our locations and we strongly believe that this is a key factor in our success.
    • We are strictly against all forms of discrimination – on the grounds of caste, colour, religion, race, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, age, gender identity, gender expression, financial status, or medical condition
    • We do not encourage favouritism, or undue advantage being given to any employee. Appreciation shall be purely basis merit and capability of an employee. All assessments are to be transparent and discussed fairly with the employee.
    • Our Professional Standards and Code of Conduct policy also outlines professional behaviour at the workplace and notes unacceptable behaviours and actions.

  1. Freedom of expression:
    • At Sagility, we respect our employees’ right to freedom of speech and communication. Our employees are free to participate in internal dialogue and debate without the concerns of dismissal, intimidation, or discrimination.
    • We invite our employees for open dialogue on any concerns without the fear of retaliation. Collaboration and teaming form part of our practices and we understand it can be achieved only through free speech and expression.

  1. Forced or Child labour
  • We do not employee minors or children in any of our business operations. We also try to ensure that none of our suppliers engage in child or forced labour
  • We respect the freedom of our employees and do not in any manner support bonded, compulsory or forced labour
  • We promote mental and physical well-being of our employees and do not believe in overburdening them by working at unreasonable hours


  1. Diversity Equity and Inclusion
  • We promote and support diversity in our workforce across all job levels and value the energy and enthusiasm that are an outcome of a diverse work culture.
  • We aim to foster a sense of inclusivity for employees from varied background and provide them with the opportunity to thrive and contribute freely to the organisation’s development
  • Our policy on Diversity Equity and Inclusion provides further details on our initiatives and approach in promoting a diverse workforce
  • Our Whistle-blower Policy outlines the guidelines for reporting any biased or unethical behaviour by any employee.


  1. Working Timings
  • We ensure decent working hours in compliance with the local laws applicable for working hours and overtime. Overtime is compensated in accordance with applicable local regulations & laws.
  • We commit to comply with the schedule of paid national and religious holidays for all employees. Sagility is committed to providing support in availing leaves for events, in accordance with the local regulations, including but not limited to special leave, maternity and allied leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, bereavement leave, furlough leave and sabbatical leave.
  • We work towards supporting multiple working conditions to enable all employees for work-life balance including flexi work arrangement, work-from-home policy, hybrid working models etc.


  1. Remuneration and Career Development
  • Remuneration and all other social benefits are based on the principle of fairness and comply with the geography specific legal standards.
  • Sagility aims to provide all the employees and dependent family members with medical insurance benefits as per local regulations and laws.
  • Sagility recognizes the importance of career and professional development of all its employees and adopts various talent development interventions at different stages of the employment lifecycle.


  1. Employee safety and security
  • Employee safety and health is of utmost importance to us.
  • Aligned with above, we have periodic mandatory safety trainings and mock drills to promote safe practices and hazard management in the organisation.

We also have a robust HSE policy to provide adequate guidance to employees for measures to be taken in a disruptive environment.


  1. Sustainability
  • We are committed to follow sustainable practices in all our business activities. OUR ESG Framework guides all our business practices.
  • As a responsible organization, we are committed to deliver value to all our stakeholders including but not limited to our clients, employees, investors, suppliers, government the local community.


  1. Data Privacy
  • We are committed to protecting the data of our employees and all stakeholders (including ex-employees and retirees). We understand the value of privacy and have adequate measures in place and adhere to applicable standards to ensure the safety of our stakeholder data
  • We ensure prior consent is taken before sharing any details of our stakeholders, if and in case the need arises to do so


  1. Grievance Redressal Mechanism
  • We intend to establish the above listed standards across our organisation through the means of this policy and periodic trainings
  • We understand that enabling our workforce will give them the confidence to report any incidents and trust us to take appropriate actions against the same
  • Any grievance or incident can be reported by the employees by reaching out to their team leads or HR Business partners
  • Our stakeholders can also anonymously report any grievance they face by writing to us through the dedicated website/ email ID as specified in our Whistle-blower policy



  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Whistle blower Policy
  • Data Privacy Policy
  • Grievance Redressal Policy
  • Code of Conduct Policy